Our Thoughts Become Our Destiny
Watch your thoughts for they create your world.
Robert's Story
I have struggled with addiction for much of my life. More than a decade ago I became a methamphetamine addict and began losing jobs, opportunities, relationships, money, freedom, and self-respect. I was hurting myself and everyone that I loved. Relapse would follow periods of sobriety. When people asked why I relapsed I'd honestly have a hard time answering because I didn't clearly understand how it happened again and again and again and again.
After my last felony arrest I surrendered and went to an in-patient recovery program where I reconnected with myself and strived to understand my relapse path. What I finally realized is that all my relapses began with Addiction's Lies.
My addictions are cunning, baffling, and powerful. Addictive thoughts seemingly enter my mind out of nowhere. In the past when I have entertained those thoughts, my compulsions grew, and soon I was relapsing.
What is working for me now is this:
(1) I recognize addictive thoughts as lies. I actually declare them as lies.
Addictions Lie Example: A hit of meth right now would feel awfully good.
Declaration: That is a lie!
(2) Then I declare the counter truth to those lies.
Counter Truth Example: Meth hurts me and those I love. One hit is never enough. I'll lose so much more than I'll ever gain.
(3) I replace the lie with the truth and don't entertain the lie any more. I derail my relapses very early (the earlier the better!). And I call my sponsor and go to meetings :-).
Pro Tip: Pray or meditate for good thoughts to replace Addiction's Lies.
Thoughts Become Words
What we think often comes out of our mouth and into someone else's ears. Our words have impact.
Words Become Actions
Our words create action. Our words can create intimacy or separation. Our words can motivate.
Actions Become Habits
A habit is an action we do regularly, often without thinking. It's just what we do.
Habits Become Values
If our habit is detrimental, it's usually called an addiction. Our habits become who we are.
Values Become Destiny
The thoughts and actions we do habitually through time determines our destiny.
If I think positive thoughts and take positive actions toward my goals, my destiny can be joyful and uplifting.
Featured Items
Personal reminders to recognize and reject the lies of addiction.
Derail Relapses Early!
Our Addictions Lie items help to remind us that our addictions don't speak the truth. We can nip relapses in the bud.
Organizations Offering Help and Encouragement
Short sleeve t-shirt with Addictions Lie hem tag (Large)
When you look at your arm be reminded that Addictions Lie and that you can control your destiny.
Addictions Lie tag upside down over bicep so that the wearer gets the message.
Whether you're reaching for that drink or preparing to inject drugs into a vein, pause and give truth an opportunity to make its case.
Our Team
Founder and Recovering Addict
Sharing what's working for me.